The Mess That Was Rockstar Supernova

You might ask where I'm going with this and to tell you the truth I'm not even sure, but with Rockstar INXS winner JD Fortune living in his car I thought it would be fitting to check back on a band that was supposed to be the next GNR, Metallica, or Motley Crue.

I mean with Tommy Lee, Jason Newstead, and Gilby Clarke in the mix how can you go wrong? In fact isn't is just a hit waiting to happen? Apparently not! In fact the band was plagued with problems from the beginning. After Lucas Rossi was crowned the winner the band found out they couldn't use the name "Supernova" (it was taken) and had to change it to the less marketable "Rockstar Supernova." After that it became a bit of a joke when the first single "Be Yourself" didn't touch the charts. Then Newstead tore his rotator cuff trying to catch a falling bass amp. Johnny Colt filled in on the "World Tour" (they didn't even make it out of North America), which is an awesome addition, but not the line up we watched on the show.

The bands first album was not well received and may have gone platinum in Canada (due to Rossi being from Canada), but it never crawled out of the cellar in the huge US market (only 167000 copies sold!)

To sum up this rant; Rockstar Supernova played in Oakland's Oracle Arena, a 13000 seat stadium to only 2000 fans, which was average attendance everywhere but Canada. So now that we know Supernova was a massive failure I guess the only question is: Were Lee, Clarke, and Newstead every really serious about this or did they do it for CBS's money?

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Article Source: - The Mess That Was Rockstar Supernova

Tommy Lee, Rockstar Supernova, Jason Newstead, Lucas Rossi